
I thought about starting this blog for a long time, I was a little nervous about it. The reason for being nervous was purely selfish, I have done so much research to find this information and come to these conclusions, by sharing them someone else’s life will be so much easier. Not Fair. Maybe some poor soul with squinty eyes, cramping fingers, and a kink in their neck will kiss their computer screen when they stumble upon it, but that will be the extent of the credit I receive, so much for me being humble. Here we are anyway, with me writing a new blog…sharing…

It won’t be something that I can post about frequently, but education is about give and take. I have learned something and now you can share in that knowledge with me. Occasionally when you have something to share about any given topic we can combine our knowledge to create an even greater understanding. That may be what I am most excited about, inspiring someone so much that they want to write a comment to share something I didn’t know. Out of fear that I am making myself look too smart, I am merely a student who has had a couple teachers that have been inspiring. Their enthusiasm for their subjects has been motivation to find my own niche in this world and to take pride in the research I have done, even if I am more often than not, scratching things off the list of possible niches.

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